Swamp Rat Knife Works began operations in 2002, however the company history goes back to 1970 when Jerry Busse first began making knives. Jerry put himself through college, obtaining three degrees by selling his knives. In 1982 Jerry decided to become a fulltime knifemaker. A decade later Jerry met Jennifer, a business major at Michigan State. In 1992 they were married and decided to incorporate Busse Combat Knife Company.
Busse Combat knives quickly became the world leader in extreme performance knives. By 2002 Jennifer began noticing that while collectors were buying Busse Combat knives by the dozens, the prices seemed to be putting them out of the hands of many individuals they were originally designed for - police and military. Jennifer approached Jerry with the idea to start a division of Busse Combat which would offer extreme performance knives, only at more affordable prices. Swamp Rat Knife Works was born.
Jerry gave Jennifer the directive to "aggressively come after Busse Combat." It is this friendly family rivalry that continues to push each company to perform to their highest abilities.